Wood Sculpture

Final Sculpture
Jana Klinger 2023

Artist Statement
    Inspired by Duchamp's work such as Bicycle Wheel (1913), I decided to make a non-functioning light switch through wood sculpture. Utilizing Duchamp's process, I chose a readymade object--a light switch--and changed its meaning with supporting materials--the wood. To reflect the functionality of a light switch, I formed an idea around the readymade to allow for the wood to interact with the switching on and off of this item. As for my very first in-process photo (seen below), one can see how I came to the idea of controlling the position of the light switch through a pivoting piece of wood. From there, I drew my sketches and created my small-scale mockup. 

    I chose two different wood blocks to stack on top of each other for added color and texture, and to ensure that my light switch will fit on the face of these wood blocks. After attaching these blocks with dowels and sanding until smooth, I carved an indent for the switch and secured it in with a mixture of wood shavings and wood glue. Adding the final front wood piece to the original block with a dowel, the piece is movable and finalized. This sculpture utilizes the sense of touch for the piece to fulfill its true function. One must physically move the front wood piece up or down in order to change the position of the light switch. 

In-process pictures




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